PHP revitalizes HTML. No one is interested in static pages; it is with the help of PHP that the information on the site is updated. For example, the weather forecast changes or the current exchange rate is updated. A programmer will not be able to solve such a task with the help of pure HTML, so they use the capabilities of PHP. This language executes scripts – special server-side programs that run in response to a request from a user’s web browser. That is, PHP is a script interpreter, and the process itself is called interpretation.

PHP allows you to create professional programs and websites without spending a lot of time on it. PHP is constantly being updated and despite the availability and popularity of other languages, it is still leading the list of popular languages. If you are wondering what PHP is, you can find a huge number of instructions and lessons on how to work with this language on the Internet. It is easy to use and provides web developers with many advantages.

Advantages of PHP

  • Flexibility of customization and compatibility with all known OS and web servers, easy integration with MySQL;
  • Detailed documentation, which greatly simplifies the development and search for a specialist;
  • Clear syntax based on C, Java, and Perl languages;
  • Scalability, which allows PHP programs to withstand a large flow of traffic;
  • Good prospects for the future. CMSs are written in PHP There are many popular frameworks that are based on this language. Therefore, PHP specialists will be in demand for a long time, because PHP has a great future and many development options.

How to find out the PHP version on your hosting?

You can find the information in your hosting control panel. Depending on the panel, the version information can be in different places. For example, in Cpanel, you can find out the PHP version in the Software section Select PHP Version.

In ISPmanager, the PHP version is selected separately for each domain, so you can find out the version in the WWW-domains section by selecting the required domain in the panel. For other hosting panels, information about the PHP version will be placed in other sections of the panel.